Exhibition achievements 2023

It went by quickly and we have another exhibition year behind us, this time with the full line-up of Stellinka, Lexinka and Docík. We have already gone to some exhibitions only with Stellinka, because Lexinka and Docík have already won many awards and are Champions and Grand Champions in many European countries. Together, we will look at the biggest achievements of this year, which began with our first ever participation in the Champion of Champions.

- Champion of Champions 14 January 2023, Prague. "I would like to try the Champion of Champions with Lexinka", came Julinka one day. So why not? It was a big challenge. The exhibition is very specific. Whether it's the place - everything takes place in the hotel hall, or the course. It starts with a quick assessment within the FCI groups where there is only one judge to select the best. Subsequently, it goes to the elimination phase. There are always two individuals against each other and a total of five judges judge, who pull out a green or red "slapstick". The dogs stand on either a green or red mat and when the light turns on the dog and the mat, it means it is progressing. The exhibition was preceded by several trainings, where Julinka and Lexinka learned specific exhibiting techniques. And how did it turn out? They performed amazingly! The "basic" round was chosen by referee Zdenka Jílková, who selected Lexinka for the next round. And it was possible to eliminate. First round vs. Podhalany shepherd - win! Second round vs. chipper - win! Third round vs. belgian shepherd - win! Fourth round vs. Australian Shepherd - semi-final - loss. Fifth round vs. border collie - for third place - win! Lexinka won an amazing third place. This is a huge success!

- International show, Lubin, Poland, 22/01/2023, judge Piotr Król. The next weekend we went to Poland. The romantic journey in the fog, snow and cruel winter was worth it. Lexinka performed beautifully in the crowded hall. EX1, CWC, CACIB, BOB, BIG3.

- Duo CACIB, Brno, 29 January 2023, judge Andrzej Szutkiewicz (PL). The second day of the exhibition was very successful. Stellinka - Exc1, CAJC, J-CACIB, Lexinka - Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG5.

- International exhibition, Gliwice (Katowice), 12/02/2023, Andrzej Szutkiewicz (PL). Different show, different country and same judge. Sometimes it just happens like that... The girls were shining again. Stellinka - EX1, CAJC, J-CACIB, BOJ and Lexinka - EX1, CAC, CACIB, BOS.

- International show, Nitra, 17 - 18 February 2023, judges Istvan Orčik (RS) and .Zsolt Molnár (RO). Where haven't we been this year? After all, in Slovakia. Once again it was a ladies' ride in style. Stellinka - 2x ExC1, 2x CAJC, 2x BOJ, 1x JBIG3 (!) and Lexinka - 2x ExC1, 2x CAC, 1x resCACIB, 1x CACIB, 1x BOS.

- KV KCHMPP, Lysá nad Labem, 4 March 2023. I have been showing pairs for a long time, so I will try the breeding station. OK? And who will go with you? No one, I'll go alone. Julinka, Stelinka and two other red merle puppies from Terka Kvasničková, breeding station Fallcat. These four beautiful girls took the stage and it was the first place. I hope we didn't embarrass you Martina and Martine-:). Stellinka also won V1, class winner. Referee Ladislav Kukla.

- International show, Bratislava, 1 - 2 April 2023, judges Anna Kochan (PL) and Vladimír Piskay (SK). On April Fool's Day, we went to Slovakia again, and the result was this beautiful photo of "The Three Strongmen". How was it all? Stellinka - 2x V1, 2x CAJC, 2x BOJ and JBIG (!). Lexinka - 2x V1, 2x CAC, 2x resCACIB. Docík 2X V1, 2x CAC, 1x resCACIB, 1x CACIB, BOS.

- National dog show, Ratiboř, Poland, 16/04/2023, judge Andrzej Tarnowski PL. After two years, we went to the exhibition in Ratibora, Poland, and remembered how we were groomed two years ago and Julinka was in Junior Handling for the first time. Out of nostalgia, we signed up JH again this time. The star of the trip was Stellinka again - V1, CWC, BOJ, BOB. How did JH do? A successful return - 1st place in the older category and overall victory - JH BIS.

- Yugoslav Ride, 25/04/2023 - 07/05/2023, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro. At the end of April, as always, we went to the sea. What has been achieved? Stellinka - 6X EX1, 6x CAC (CAJC), 2X BOJ, 1x CACIB, 1x BOB, 2X JBIS1 (!). Lexinka - 11x EX1, 11x CAC, 3x CACIB, 5x resCACIB, 2x BOS, 1x BOB, 1x BIG, 1x BIS (!). Docík - 10x EX1, 10x CAC, 2x resCACIB, 2x CACIB, 2x BOS, 2x BOB and 1xBIG3. Julinka defended her Supreme Junior Handler title from last year. In great competition from young handlers from all over Europe! During the entire tour, Julinka was always on the box, 8 times first and 2 times second. In pairs, Docík and Lexinka were also on the box every time, 3 times in first place, 4 times in second place and 1 time in third place.

- Club show KCHBO - bitches, Ratenice, 14/05/2023, judge Claudia Bosselman (D). This time the club show was held only an hour away from our house. Stelinka - Exc1, CAJC and finished Junior Champion of the Czech Republic. Lexinka - V1, CAC.

- Croatia for the second time - Samobor, Zagreb - 27 - 28 May 2023, Andrzej Stepinski (PL) and Martin Baskaran (ES). Wasn't there enough Croatia this year? It was, let's do it one more time and only take Stellinka. We were accompanied by Terka Kvasničková and Kristýnka Palatková. How did it end up? Stelinka - 2X Exc1, 2x CAC, 2x BOB, 1x BIG2 and 1x BIG1 (!), accomplished Junior Champion of Croatia. We took advantage of the opportunity to exhibit the Fallcat breeding station. We did not embarrass ourselves and won 2x first place. We thank Terce and Kristýnec for their help.

- International show Nitra, 9 - 11 June 2023, judges Vladimír Javorčík (SK), Ildikó Muzslai (HU) and Pietro Bottagisio (IT). Nitra for the second time this year and even more successfully. Stellinka lived up to her name and shone like a star. Stellinka - 3x EX1, 3x CAC, 1x resCACIB, 1x CACIB, 1x BOB, 1x BIG1 (!) and 1x BIS3 (!!!). Lexinka - 3x EX1, 3x CAC, 2x resCACIB.

- Trips to Poland, 30/06/2023 to 30/07/2023, Wisla, Krakow, Gorzow, Częstochowa and Opole (Moszna). At the end of the school year, we went to Poland and ended up going there for a whole month. Docík's son Arnold also traveled with us after the exhibitions and was very successful. Our group did great. Stell - 4x EX1, 4X CWC, Best Bitch, BOS. Lexinka - 5x EX1, 5x CWC, 2x resCACIB, 2x CACIB, Best Bitch, BOB. Docík - 4x EX1, 4x CWC, 1x resCACIB, 2x CACIB, Best Dog, 2x BOS, BOB.

- Klatovy National Dog Show, 1/7/2023, judge Sina Horatiu-Mihai (RO). The main goal of our trip was an evening visit to the Švec family, and along the way we stopped in Klatovy, where there was an exhibition on a bumpy patch. In the end it turned out great. Girls and Docík - Exc.1, CAC.

- International exhibition Mladá Boleslav, 19 August 2023, Laurent Heinesche (LUX). Mladá Boleslav again and this time with something new. Lexinka was in the honors class for the first time. She already has a Czech Champion and a Grand Champion, so we decided to show her especially in the honorable class (if she is registered at the show) and thus make room for other bitches. How did our babies turn out? Stellinka - Exc.1, CAC, resCACIB. Lexinka - Exc.1, BIS3 in honor class, Docík Exc.2, resCAC.

- International show Floracanis Olomouc, 9 September 2023, judge Vladimír Piskay (SK). It is always beautiful in Olomouc. The fairground resembles a blossoming garden, the man in the parking lot speaks beautiful Hanáčtina, simply idyllic. Stellinka - Ex.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, CAC ČMKU. Lexinka again in honors class - V1. Docík - Exc1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU.

- International dog show Karlovac, 30/9/10/2023, judges Erica Bakker (NL) and Darko Drobnjak (SRB). This time we went to Croatia only with Stellinka. Lexinka and Docík are already Champions and Grand Champions in Croatia. Romantic accommodation by the waterfall and a perfectly prepared exhibition awaited us. Stellinka - 2X EX1, 2x CAC, resCACIB, CACIB, BOB, BIG3 (!). Julinka competed in Junior Handling, which was judged by handling legends Juraj Sokolic and Ante Lucin. Both days, Julinka won first place, and this is how this memorable photo with Ant was created. On the first day, Julinka competed with Prime (Stellinka's brother) and on the second day with Stellinka.

- International show Prague, 8 December 2023, judge Mark Wibier (NL). In autumn, we slowed down a bit in exhibitions and devoted ourselves to dog sports. But you will learn more about that in another article. But we did not miss the last exhibition of 2023. Stellinka - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS. In the photo, our best friend and breeder, Martina Švecová, is with Stellinka and Julinka.

In conclusion, we must mention the joint achievements of Lexinka and Docík, which are beautifully exhibited by Julinka as a couple. For the year 2023, they jointly obtained:
- 11x first place
- 7x second place
- 4x third place
In total, they stood together on the podium 22 times!